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How to Manage a Bad Day Through Self-care

Updated: Oct 21, 2021

by Brenda Garfias-Guzman

Have you ever had a day that didn't turn out the best? You woke up late because you forgot to charge your phone, so the alarm didn't go off. Once you plug-in your phone and check the time, you realize you woke up 30 minutes late and don't have time to brush your teeth and make breakfast so you rush as fast as you can out the door trying to put your shoes on at the same time! Maybe a cup of coffee (or matcha!) will cheer you up at your favorite coffee shop since you're already running late, but then the barista accidentally got your order wrong. Then your car's gas tank is running very low, so now you need to look for your nearest gas station before the engine turns off. When you get to where you need to be, you realize you left some important things at home that you needed to bring. Once the day is over, you can't help but release a very long sigh of relief.

Bad days are inevitable. They are definitely not fun, but they happen. The only way out is through. After a bad day that can leave you feeling frustrated, tense and exhausted, here are some suggestions that can help make a bad day a little better with the help of self-care:


Physical activity is beneficial towards our emotional well-being and can also nourish our brains believe it or not! After a bad or stressful day, exercising is excellent because our energy levels may rise for the better and the best part is that it can be any form of exercise! It doesn't have to be an intense workout of sprinting, lifting weights and squats (unless you prefer it that way). Something as simple as a 15 minute walk or a quick bike ride can do the trick to help us feel better both physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Reflect with Gratitude

Image by Gianluca Grisenti

I try my best to be consistent and conscious when I have a bad day to reflect as best as I can through a mindset with gratitude. Yes, the day may have been bad, but it wasn't the worst, either. When I practice this, I realize that there were some good moments here and there throughout the day, like a co-worker or friend telling me a funny story or when a kind stranger gives you a spontaneous compliment! It's the little things that count.

Call up a friend to hang out or talk on the phone

Paolo Raeli

One of the BEST forms of self-care is definitely calling up a good friend to hang out and enjoy each others company. I got very lucky at one point in my life to work with one of my close friends for several months. When we had a stressful day, we would hang out after work and let it all out! Our feelings and frustrations, as well as laughter and adventurous stories. Having a good friend to talk to is one of the best forms of connection that help our emotional well-being. If you're fortunate to have your friend as. roommate, co-worker, neighbor, call them up and get ready to feel better!

Relax with self-care and unwinding

You can never go wrong with self-care and unwinding at home. I like to take the time to shower, use a nourishing face mask and getting cozied up with a good book or a funny movie! This regime has helped me stay present as I take care of myself and put the day behind me, so I can end the day on a better note.

Any of these suggestions can help end the day on a much lighter note. Once you do one of the self-care recommendations (or all of them), you'll realize that even though the day wasn't the absolute best, you're still here. You're resilient, you pulled through the day and now it's over! Moving forward to the next brand new day with wonderful possibilities and opportunity to have a better day than the last.




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